
PMs of EAEU member states visit Belagro 2024 international expo

The heads of government of the EAEU member states, including Belarus’ Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko, have visited the international agricultural exhibition Belagro 2024 in the China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone, BelTA has learned.

The guests were shown the achievements of Belarusian agricultural mechanical engineering, agricultural industry, and agricultural science. They also tasted Belarusian products.

The expo will officially kick off on 4 June. This year, 490 companies from 11 countries are taking part in it, including Belarus, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Germany, China, Pakistan, Türkiye, Vietnam, and Palestine. The exhibition area is 32,200m2.

Belarus is represented by 385 business entities. There are expositions of the Agriculture and Food Ministry, the Industry Ministry, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Belgospishcheprom Concern, the Belarusian national union of consumer societies Belkoopsoyuz and all regions of the country.

The business program of the expo features two dozen conferences and seminars to discuss a wide range of issues, including competitiveness of agricultural products, livestock breeding, crop production and seed production, agricultural mechanical engineering, agricultural education and science, Belarus’ cooperation prospects with countries of near and far abroad, as well as other topical issues.

BelTA – News from Belarus