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Belarusian forestry industry invests heavily in new Amkodor vehicles, 100% CCTV surveillance

Belarusian forestry industry invests heavily in new Amkodor vehicles, 100% CCTV surveillance

Belarusian Forestry Minister Aleksandr Kulik informed a BelTA reporter about the development of the country's forestry industry.

Aleksandr Kulik said: “The forestry industry changed beyond recognition in the last decade. I mean the technical solutions forestry enterprises use and how forest areas are earmarked for cutting. There is also a contemporary timber record-keeping system. And most importantly we invest heavily in forest protection. We buy fire trucks and firefighting tools.”

The minister added: “We will be the first country in the post-Soviet space to fully introduce an automated system for the video surveillance of forests. It covers 80% now. The system has proven its effectiveness with flying colors.”

“As for forest harvesting, we use modern harvesters and forwarders. Most of them are of Belarusian make. The Belarusian company Amkodor is about to launch a new lineup of vehicles. The forestry industry develops dynamically and we are proud of it,” Aleksandr Kulik concluded.

BelTA – News from Belarus

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