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Belarus expands import ban for products from unfriendly states

Belarus expands import ban for products from unfriendly states

The list of goods banned from import and sale on the territory of Belarus has been revised, BelTA learned from the government press service.

The Council of Ministers’ Resolution No. 700 as of 6 December 2021 was amended to include a number of products originating from Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic and Estonia. These include beer, fermented drinks, skin care products, hair care products, shaving products, oral and dental hygiene products, deodorants, bath products, soaps, cleaning products, carpets, men's textile clothing, genuine leather shoes, hats, bedding, tableware, kitchenware made of porcelain and glass, mattress bases, varnishes, paints, plates, sheets, plastic films, paper and cardboard tags and labels.

“The document also prohibits the import and sale of water, including mineral and carbonated water, from unfriendly countries,” the press service informed.

The resolution came as a response to Latvia’s decision to ban the import of certain food products from Belarus, Lithuania’s decision to ban the import of agricultural products and feed from Belarus for one year, as well as to the EU Council Regulation initiated mostly by five countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic and Estonia) that seeks to impose increased tariffs on the import of Belarusian agricultural products.

BelTA – News from Belarus

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