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Belarus government names Quality Excellence Award 2020 winners

Belarus government names Quality Excellence Award 2020 winners

The Belarusian government named the Quality Excellence Award 2020 winners. The decision of the awarding commission was approved by Decision of the Council of Ministers No.251 of 9 April 2021, BelTA learned from the National Legal Internet Portal.

For the achievement of significant results in the quality and competitiveness of manufactured products, rendered services or performed works, introduction of innovative technologies and modern management methods the Quality Excellence Award went to Human System, the open joint-stock companies Belsolod, Borisov sleeper-impregnating plant, Delta Drilling Company, Vitebsk broiler poultry farm, Keramika, Belzheldorproekt Institute, Mingaz, Mogilevoblgas, BelGee, PP Polesie, and also Brest Oblast Clinical Hospital and Masherov Vitebsk State University.

Among the awardees are also the Belarusian-German joint company Santa Bremor, the separate structural unit Vitebsk Carriage Depot of the Vitebsk Department of Belarusian Railways, the open joint stock companies Dzerzhinsky Agrocomplex, AMKODOR - Managing Holding Company, Belenergoremnaladka, Bereza Meat Canning Plant, Bobruisk Plant of Tractor Parts and Units, Brest Distillery Belalco, Volkovysk Meat Processing Plant, Gomel Plant of Casting and Normals, Gomselmash, Keramin, Kobrin Butter and Cheese Plant, Minsk Crystal - Managing Company of Minsk Crystal Group, MozyrSol. The list also includes Svetopribor of the Belarusian Association of Visually Impaired, the Scientific Production Center for Food Products under the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk National Airport, Agrokombinat Snov, Bel-Plast International, Grodno Oblast Clinical Perinatal Center and the Academy of the Interior Affairs Ministry.

Lida Food Concentrates and Gomeloblavtotrans branch Bus Park No.6 received the title of the contest diploma holder.

The agricultural production cooperative Agrokombinat Snov received a special award in the Social Responsibility nomination.


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