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Bill on Belarus' Electoral Code submitted to public debate

Bill on Belarus' Electoral Code submitted to public debate

The bill on amendments to the Electoral Code of Belarus has been submitted to public debate, BelTA has learned.

The draft law of the Amendments to the Electoral Code of Belarus is available on the website of the Legal Forum of Belarus.

“Public debate will be running from 24 October to 2 November," said Andrei Matelsky, director of the national center for legal information. “The organizers of the public debate will summarize proposals on the content of the bill and use them in the further development of the bill."

The draft law is designed to bring the norms of the electoral legislation in line with the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, as well as to improve its provisions taking into account the practice of its application.

A separate section shall be added to the Electoral Code, which shall determine the procedure for electing delegates to the Belarusian People's Congress from local councils of deputies and civil society.

In connection with the upcoming single day of voting, the draft law changes the system of election commissions.

The draft law also includes norms reflecting the experience of election campaigns.

The organizer of the public debate is the National Center for Legislation and Legal Studies.

Comments and suggestions on the two bill can be left in a special section at the Legal Forum of Belarus.

BelTA – News from Belarus

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