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CEC chief: Active preparations for Belarus' single voting day will start in summer 2023

CEC chief: Active preparations for Belarus' single voting day will start in summer 2023

In the summer of 2023, Belarus will enter the active phase of preparations for the single voting day, Chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Belarus Igor Karpenko told reporters at an open dialogue “Youth and elections: a responsibility formula” at the National Youth House, BelTA has learned.

The CEC chairman recalled that the amendments to the Electoral Code had already passed the first reading at the House of Representatives. “I hope that in the near future the bill will pass the second reading, will be approved by the Council of the Republic. After that the president is supposed to sign the legislative act so that the document enters into force. We hope that this process will be completed in January,” he said. “In the summer of 2023, we will enter the active phase of preparations for the single voting day. In line with the amendments, in the fall we will be busy establishing the number and composition of constituencies for the elections of members of the House of Representatives and local councils. In other words, this process will be going on even before the decree on calling the elections is passed,” he said.

“After the adoption of the amended Electoral Code, we will develop guidelines, resolutions of the Central Election Commission in furtherance of these amendments. This will help establish a clear working scheme for commissions of all levels and all those who will be directly involved in the elections on the single voting day,” Igor Karpenko added.

The CEC head met with leaders and activists of the BRSM Youth Union from all regions of Belarus to discuss amendments to the electoral legislation and participation of public associations and political parties in electoral campaigns.

BelTA – News from Belarus

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