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Early voting for parliamentary elections in Belarus to open on 20 February

Early voting for parliamentary elections in Belarus to open on 20 February

Early voting for the parliamentary elections is opening on 20 February in Belarus, BelTA has learned.

Early voting will take place on 20-24 February. Polling stations will stay open from 12.00 to 19.00, without a lunch break.

A total of 5,411 polling stations have been set up in Belarus. The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Belarus provides the list of polling stations as well as addresses and phone numbers of all territorial, district and precinct election commissions on its official website.

In Minsk, voters will receive two ballots each: for the election of a deputy of the House of Representatives and for the election of a deputy of the Minsk City Council of Deputies.

Voters in regional and district centers will get three ballots each: for the election of a deputy of the House of Representatives, for the election of a deputy of the Regional Council of Deputies, and for the election of a deputy of the city or district Council of Deputies.

In rural areas, voters will receive four ballots each: for the election of a deputy to the House of Representatives, for the election of a deputy to the Regional Council of Deputies, for the election of a deputy to the District Council of Deputies, and for the election of a deputy to the Village or Settlement Council of Deputies.

The single voting day is due on 25 February. Polling stations will stay open from 08.00 to 20.00.

BelTA – News from Belarus

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