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Lukashenko signs decree to declare 2024 Year of Quality

Lukashenko signs decree to declare 2024 Year of Quality

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko signed Decree No. 375 "On declaring 2024 the Year of Quality”, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader.

This decision aims to further improve the quality of life of the Belarusian people, ensure the competitiveness of the national economy on the world stage, encourage proactive behavior, cultivate responsibility in society for the results of their work and a sense of involvement in the future of the country.

Within the framework of the Year of Quality, emphasis will be placed on increasing the competitiveness of Belarus through a careful and thoughtful attitude to resources, high-tech and energy-intensive projects, and the priority focus on qualitative indicators over quantitative ones. Efforts will be focused on ensuring quality indicators by encouraging proactive behavior, introducing rationalization ideas, strengthening social optimism in society, and the desire to build the common good. Priority attention will be given to the formation of personal responsibility among citizens for achieving a high quality of life (a sufficient level of income, timely medical examination, healthy nutrition, good education, cultural leisure).

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko suggested declaring next year the Year of Quality during his working trip to Mogilev Oblast. The repair of roads was discussed during the head of state's trip to the agricultural town of Vishov, Belynichi District. Housing and Utilities Minister Gennady Trubilo told the president that the tasks related to road repairs are being overfulfilled.

“It's good that you are overfulfilling, but keep in mind that you will be responsible for the quality. You can't botch it, because it will be costly. That is not our way. Therefore, quantity is a good thing, but quality should be above everything. We need to declare next year the Year of Quality. Everything is fine: output is good and the demand for Belarus' products is colossal (we are struggling to meet the demand in Russia). Yet, we still have problems with quality. Therefore, quality is of paramount importance,” Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized.

The topic was further explored during Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko's visit to Kristall jewelery company where one of the employees put forward this idea. The head of state supported it.

“We will declare next year the Year of Quality. I have already spoken about this. We produce a lot. We make high-quality products. But we should take the quality to a new level in order to be competitive. In fact, we have an open economy. We need to improve the quality further, otherwise we will be outcompeted,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. The head of state suggested using the Soviet quality mark as the basis for a Belarusian one, as he liked the design of the Soviet mark. He gave corresponding instructions to the government.

BelTA – News from Belarus

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