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Lukashenko signs Security Council’s resolution to approve draft strategic documents

Lukashenko signs Security Council’s resolution to approve draft strategic documents

On 12 February, Belarusian President, Chairman of the Security Council Aleksandr Lukashenko signed a resolution of the Security Council which approved the draft national security concept and the draft military doctrine of Belarus that were discussed during a Security Council meeting on 16 January, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader.

The head of state approved the draft national security concept, finalized by the State Secretariat of the Security Council together with the state bodies concerned and other stakeholders following its public discussion.

The draft military doctrine, which was approved by a resolution of the Security Council, reflects the key changes in the military-political situation in the world and in the region, Belarus’ military policy framework, national views on international peace and stability, ways of ensuring the military security of Belarus and its armed defense.

In accordance with the resolution, the Defense Ministry shall finalize the draft Military Doctrine, taking into account the comments made by the members of the Security Council.


In the future, both documents shall be submitted for approval to the Belarusian People's Congress as provided for by the updated Constitution of Belarus.

By 25 March 2024, the Security Council and the Defense Ministry shall submit to the Belarusian president the draft national security concept and the draft military doctrine respectively and the decisions by the Belarusian People's Congress on their approval.

BelTA – News from Belarus

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