The acceptance commission chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Parkhomchik has signed a certificate, which states that the second unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant has been accepted for commercial operation, BelTA learned from the press service of the Energy Ministry.
The decision of the commission is based on the positive findings by the BelNPP supervisory agencies and the working commission, following the issue of the commercial operation license by the Emergencies Ministry.
The acceptance commission included representatives of the Energy Ministry, the Emergencies Ministry, the State Committee for Standardization, the Construction and Architecture Ministry, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, the Healthcare Ministry, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee, Belenergo, and also representatives of the Russian companies ASE, Atomstroyexport, Atomtechenergo. The commission also widely involved specialists, experts and scientists.
The commission did the assessment across the key areas: the readiness of technological systems and equipment for thermal and electric energy use, personnel training, readiness of safety systems, nuclear supervision, etc.
Currently, the unit is operating at rated capacity. Since its connection to the unified power grid, it has generated more than 2 billion kWh of electricity.